In Praise Of… Chris Ward

In writing these “In Praise Of…” articles every few weeks, I want to ensure that I spread the focus as wide as possible. Not just on-air talent, or programming people, but the wider community within radio and audio who regularly bust their gut, put in a shift and largely go unnoticed. This week I wantContinue reading “In Praise Of… Chris Ward”

What’s Your Name?

Name-calling, I was always told as a child, is not nice. Having an actual name though is fundamental. I know what to call you, to alert your attention, know when I am talking to, or about, you. Fundamental as I said. As you may know- and I’ve mentioned this before in posts and podcasts, myContinue reading “What’s Your Name?”

In Praise Of… Stephanie Hirst

There are two types of radio people- those who can communicate effectively on the medium and those who can communicate effectively but also really understand the art of creating a rich audio tapestry with sound. Stephanie Hirst is one of the latter. It isn’t about “just” presenting on the radio, it’s about utilising the specialContinue reading “In Praise Of… Stephanie Hirst”

Back After The Break

I took a break from posting over Easter, but welcome back! It gives me pause to yet again bemoan an irritant when listening around… for which I can only apologise. To be fair, very seldom do I hear this on radio nowadays, but OFTEN on podcasts. I’ve blogged before about how the audio medium, andContinue reading “Back After The Break”

In Praise Of… David Lloyd

When I first began my radio career, David was a part of it. I started at Radio Trent in Nottingham, where David ruled supreme, on mid-mornings. Scroll back just a little bit, to when I was still trying to get into radio. I went into my loft the other day and found a box withContinue reading “In Praise Of… David Lloyd”

Because we want to.

I’ve pondered a few times about the recent BBC proposal for additional DAB+ services. Many have commented and blogged on the subject, not least of which are my friends, David Lloyd and Matt Deegan. They are expert and articulate posts which give a good level of analysis and critique on the proposals. Recently I readContinue reading “Because we want to.”

In Praise Of… Andy Twigge.

There are a few people who I have worked with over the period of my career who stand out. Some for just a few reasons, most often good, (but occasionally not). There are also those for whom the list of reasons why they are memorable is very long. Andy Twigge is one of those. IContinue reading “In Praise Of… Andy Twigge.”

The drain of the art.

Making things look easy is the gift of a skilled artist and practitioner. Invariably those things are NOT in fact easy, but the person doing them is so skilled and talented that they make it look effortless. Whilst not everything is like that, the art of communicating in an audio-only form on radio (or podcasts)Continue reading “The drain of the art.”

In Praise Of… Simon Bates.

Firstly- following on from last week’s blog post, I couldn’t not do an “In Praise Of…” post this week. It’s also one which I have been thinking of drafting for some time. I should also say that following last week’s post, anyone who is subject of an “In Praise Of…” shouldn’t conclude that I thinkContinue reading “In Praise Of… Simon Bates.”

Don’t wait- be nice now.

The untimely death of Steve Wright has dominated the week in radio and media. When I saw the news, I was midway through delivering a workshop at University, and thankfully had a few moments to comprehend the news. Since then, up to the time of writing, my timeline has been pretty much full of commentsContinue reading “Don’t wait- be nice now.”