Back After The Break

I took a break from posting over Easter, but welcome back! It gives me pause to yet again bemoan an irritant when listening around… for which I can only apologise. To be fair, very seldom do I hear this on radio nowadays, but OFTEN on podcasts. I’ve blogged before about how the audio medium, andContinue reading “Back After The Break”

In Praise Of… David Lloyd

When I first began my radio career, David was a part of it. I started at Radio Trent in Nottingham, where David ruled supreme, on mid-mornings. Scroll back just a little bit, to when I was still trying to get into radio. I went into my loft the other day and found a box withContinue reading “In Praise Of… David Lloyd”

The drain of the art.

Making things look easy is the gift of a skilled artist and practitioner. Invariably those things are NOT in fact easy, but the person doing them is so skilled and talented that they make it look effortless. Whilst not everything is like that, the art of communicating in an audio-only form on radio (or podcasts)Continue reading “The drain of the art.”

Alchemy of success

So there I was, driving down the motorway thinking about what I might post about on my blog next week. I have mentioned before that I have a stable of regular podcast listens each week, which generally tend to accompany me on a drive, and as is customary I was listening to one. “Pivot” withContinue reading “Alchemy of success”

Twenty Twenty More

Happy New Year! I remember two years ago at home we dubbed the year as “Twenty Twenty DO”- after lockdowns and isolation it was the first year of being able to finally get out and DO stuff and so we embraced the opportunity. This year we have dubbed it “Twenty Twenty MORE”- if nothing elseContinue reading “Twenty Twenty More”

Normal service will be resumed shortly

I have had a break from the weekly blog posts over the Christmas and New Year period. I had a post scheduled for this week, which had to be retimed for next week- all will become clear when it’s published- that sounds all very clandestine but honestly, it’s pretty simple. At last minute I hadContinue reading “Normal service will be resumed shortly”

Are My Ears Safe?

Unease takes many forms. It can come over you in an environment, sensing danger or being unwelcome. It can be overt and covert- you are verbally or visually told you are not welcome, or just get a feeling based on other stimuli. If you take away all other sensory input and are left with onlyContinue reading “Are My Ears Safe?”

Have Podcasts Changed The Rules?

Through the entirety of my career, from a young, green and wet behind the ears swing presenter to entering management and then network management, there have been a few rules that have always been fairly rigid. I’ve posted before about some of them and the one that I’m thinking about is “one thought per link”.Continue reading “Have Podcasts Changed The Rules?”

Kill the Best Bits.

I think I might have posted something on this before but its worthy of a repeat… I just don’t understand the point of “best of radio show” style podcasts! In many ways even more true for radio shows than say podcast series which maintains their weekly or daily feed with a compilation episode or two-Continue reading “Kill the Best Bits.”

Norman Cook said it best.

One of my suite of podcast choices is Annie MacManus’ “Changes” podcast. The last in the series 8 was a must listen for me and I found it snapped something in my brain. (This happens quite a lot!) Norman Cook was the guest, aka Fatboy Slim. Now, I’ve heard Norman speak a few times andContinue reading “Norman Cook said it best.”